Thursday, September 3, 2015


How to handle XML data ?
Using hive function  xpath,xpath_string
step 1:  Create single column table
create table xmldataTable(col1 string);
step 2 : Load data into single column table
load data local inpath 'xmldata' into table xmldataTable;
step 3: create the required table
create table xml_table2(name string, age int,gend string);

step 4: load data from single column table to final table
insert overwrite table xml_table2 select xpath_string(col1, 'rec/name'),xpath_string(col1, 'rec/age'),xpath_string(col1,'rec/sex ') from xmldataTable ;

hive> select * from (select * from emp unionall select * from emp2)e

[cloudera@localhost ~]> hive -e 'select eid from emp'

Running hive scripts
[cloudera@localhost ~]$ gedit hivesc.hive
       hivesc.hive file
            use nareshdb;

[cloudera@localhost ~]$ hive -f  hivesc